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A weird dream i wanted to share

11 of June, 2023

So...It has been 392 days since my last blog entry here..gosh, definetly forgot to add stuff here, I hope you guys apologize me after such a long break.
Anyway, let's get to the good stuff.
For context, it's pretty rare for me to remember what my dreams were about, most of the times i just...fall asleep and wake up in the next day withou any memories of what happened in the mean time. But last night, i had a bit of a different experience, i still remember clearly what happened in those dreams (even more clearly than usual), and it felt so weird and...unusual that i felt like sharing it here. Also, i've herad somewhere that writing down about your dreams can help you remember them more frequently after you wake up so if this starts happening more, i'll defien have a dream journal here to write about those daily.
And about this dream's theme...i've been trying to get myself back into wicca, so i've been reading a lot of books and just getting in touch with a lot of witchcraft based material, so that might explain the reason behind this dream. Anyway, enought chit chat.

So, i was going around my city in a car in the backseat while looking outside at the houses and people passing by until we got to this strangely unpopulated area that definetly does not exist irl, this area is pretty well known to me since it's basically the neighborhood where i grew up but...somehow we got into this street that literally didn't exist that lead to a deserted area. I don't know who was driving the car, i never bothered to look towards the drivre's seat because this new street was getting all of my attention. I kept myself focused on the outside, trying to decipher where exactly we were, a street that only a few seconds ago felt friendly and comforting now felt almost otherworldly. And after a while going trought what seemed like a never ending desert, we passed trought a tower besides the road. Not any kind of tower, but one of those medieval round towers made out of stone. That felt almost frighteningly strange, but also...kinda appealing. I asked the driver to stop so i could get closer to investigate, it almost felt like i wasn't doing it by myself, but because some kind of force was convincing me to. As i got closer, it only felt weirder, that kind of architecture does not exist anywhere close to the place i live, it didn't make any sense how such a tower could be there, and was there, in front of me, almost too real for a dream. As i pondered in front of the tower, somehow i started learning about it and...about how it was a witch's coven. I got really excited with the idea of that place being some kind of coven, and from this point, it was almost like i was moving myself instinctively. I looked around the tower for a bit more until i decided to push the door and get in, what lead me to a stairway that lead down somewhere i couldn't see. I felt stragely warm as i followed the stairway down, like i somehow knew that place, and i kept going down until i was facing another door, where i could hear chatter from the other side. My social anxiety almost took over me but...i was just too curious to get to the root of that, that ambient felt too warm and..."like home" that i had to assume that nothing bad would happen. As i push the big wood door and got inside the room, i was meet with lots of people, all wearing robes and holding unidentifiable objects, but most of them too distracted or focused with other people to care about my entrance. It was almost like they knew that i was coming and were expecting me, the ones who did notice me just waved and smiled warmly. And again, even with no prior knowledge of that, i somehow knew that they were all witches and for some reason, i felt like joining that's what i tried to do, i approached what looked like the leader of that coven, introduced myself and expressed my interest in joining them. After listening to me, he replied in a warm tone that i would be welcome but he wasn't feeling quite sure i was fit to join them yet, and politely asked me to leave and come back later. I felt a bit sad by his answer but didn't think too much of it at te moment, i just turned arround and left. And as i opened the same door that i used to get into this room, i was meet with...a view of the street, it felt like that room was at ground level, even though i had gone down a stairway that took me what felt 30 metters underground. And after leaving, i just walked home like nothing had happened, but...that place, that coven didn't leave my mind and...after what felt like an entire day, i went there again. And as got into the tower and opened it's door, i was meet not with the starway, but with nothing but caves that lead down. Even though the place looked completely different, i felt like i had to go down. As i was getting further down in the caves, these caves were only getting tighter and more claustrophobic, and i did go down for what felt like ages. As i was finally getting somewhere, as i finally started seeing lights, hearing chatter and feeling different smells, like i was approaching the place i was seeking...
I woke up.
End of the story.

Ugh i hate this kind of cliffhanger in dreams, when you're finally getting into some kind of climax, you just wake up and will never have any kind of dream that would fit as a sequel to what you just dreamt of. Anyway, that's it for now, as i said, if i start remembering those more often, i'll try to make some kind of dream journal here, i like sharing this kind of stuff, it feels like with dreams, you can know what goes on deep inside someone's mind.
I hope i don't forget to update this place again, i almost forgot how fun it can be to share stuff here!